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Give your tone extra muscle with the Brit Boost pedal. The Treble Boost setting pumps up the treble and upper middle frequencies, just like you�d expect from a vintage Treble Booster pedal.
Referenčné číslo produktu: 8375
In the Full Range Boost position the pedal enhances all frequencies. It adds low mids and bottom end to the Treble Boost mode and is good for pushing a slightly overdriven amp into heavy overdrive. A gain knob varies the overall gain of the pedal from mellow and warm to grinding and ripping! Plus, a Tone knob adjusts the overall tonality of the pedal. Of course, there`s a true bypass switch that lets your signal flow through without coloring the tone.
Vox Cooltron Brit Boost Specifications
Brit Boost controls � Treble Boost/Full Range Boost, Gain, Tone, Volume, True Bypass
Tube: 12AU7
Power: 4 x AA batteries (allows 16 hours of operation)
Dimensions: 1 6.84 cm (6.63�) (W) x 15.55cm (6.12�) (H) x 6.4cm (2.52�) (D)
Weight (excluding batteries): Bulldog Distortion 1.07kgs (2.36 lbs.), Big Ben Overdrive 1.02kgs (2.25 lbs.), Brit Booster 1.05kgs (2.31 lbs.)
Options: 9V AC adapter